His method and my method are the same with one caveat. My method uses the factory BPV line and his runs a new, separate line. Both methods hook up to the same ports and cap/plug the same ports.
There are two blk/grn hoses connected to the solenoid. The one you want to remove is on the passenger side of the intake manifold. It is about 2.5" long and goes from the intake manifold to the solenoid(This
is the hose people are having a tough time removing). It is near the alternator. This is the hose described in both methods.
DO NOT touch the blk/grn hose that runs from the solenoid over to the vac. container under the center of the manifold. This is
NOT the hose described in my method.
Please go back over the diagrams before attempting this. The car will not run correctly if the correct hoses aren't swapped.
Good luck!!