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  1. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    10... Like I said... lots of rambling. Now with my 10th post, and the advent of one hour, I shall be born anew. Full. Feels good, man.
  2. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    9.. This is almost it. I'm getting scared now. What awaits? What bold new adventures beckon me from beyond the digital portcullis that binds me to this ever weakening state of not being fully a member of the forum. If I'm not fully a member, what does that say about me as a person, as a human...
  3. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    8 ... I'm near the end of this textual journey. I'd like to thank each of you who chose to come along for the ride. It's because of folks like you that I can do what I do. Thanks.
  4. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    7... lots of rambling, I suppose. Happens as one creeps into their later years, I imagine.
  5. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    6 ... I wish I had some interesting facts to share, somewhat like those hint messages on a video game loading screen, but alas, I do not. All I have is rambling.
  6. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    5... that last message seems to have taken plenty of time in regards to the limit timer, so at least I won't be bored as I continue upon this path towards becoming a full member.
  7. The Part Time Geek

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    4 ... I notice there is a time restriction on how fast you can post, so I suppose I need to start coming up with profound musings with each message before I hit send.