Search results

  1. R

    NE Ohio dealers

    Who sells the most Sonics in N.E. Ohio and who has the best service dept. Thanks
  2. R

    Rear View Camera

    Will there or will there not be a rear view camera in the 2014 Sonic. Does anyone know for sure. GM isn't saying!
  3. R

    sonic problems

    does anyone own a sonic without problems? why is the Honda civic forum free of these issues? my link shouldn't be sold to anyone without a PHD
  4. R

    sonic rentals

    Are sonics available to rent at any national rental companies? (Avis,etc)
  5. R

    Prospective Owners

    Anyone considering the Sonic should read the posts on this forum for 2 or 3 weeks before ordering and if they decide to buy a sonic they deserve what they get and have no right to complain.
  6. R

    My Impression of the Sonic

    I'm a 74 yr old male who has been interested in cars since before i could drive. (more than 60 years) I love the idea of what the Sonic should be and i've followed its progress from the time i first knew it was going to be produced. If i had to use one word to to discribe how i now feel about...