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  1. K

    Car is now totalled.

    Tuesday morning i was on my way to work and about 5 minutes into my drive i was hit by a Trailblazer , he was was going towards on coming traffic and hit the car next to me and i tryed to get out of the way but he spun out and ended up hitting me. My insurence company is going to look at the car...
  2. K

    About to hit my 75,000 miles mark.

    Hey so I have a 2013 Chevy Sonic automatic and I am about to hit my 75,000 mark in about 900 miles. I drive it daily about 50 miles a day for work and 30 miles of it is highway, I just had a new battery put in after replacing the original one. my warranty will also expire at 75,000. I am taking...
  3. K

    2013 stalls out?

    Hey I have a 2013 sonic and last week while going down a steep hill it died at the stop sign. So this morning I was backing out of my steep drive way and I just put it in reverse and as i was backing out it died, it start back up after I put it in park but yeah just wondering. I am due for a...
  4. K

    remote car starter go out?

    So Ya pretty sure it went out, i walk across the street for work and I was starting it up so it was warmed up when I got to it but I turn it on then like 2 seconds later it goes off. So when I get inside the car I want to say I smelled some thing like may be it fused out or something. So anyway...
  5. K

    need new bumper?

    So ya last night.I.was driving home and a raccoon ran in front of me and I could not enough so ya I hit it. I now have a crack in my bumper right in the middle and my chrome bracket is cracked. So the crack is about half a inch or so, but.the question is can I get it fixed with a fiber...
  6. K

    distance / miles to get fuel problem with gauge?

    So when I first got the car with 300 on it, it would say 330 miles to go untill tank is empty. Then it went down to bout 310, then 300 and then 290 well now I.have 7000 miles on.the car and it says 260 when the tank is filled , so is this normal? Thanks.
  7. K

    is this normal for my car?

    I have a 2013 lt auto, and maybe its just me and i never noitce it till now, I have just about 3700 on it, so when I go up a hill and push the gas its good but when im just about to go down a hill and still on gas and then let off, the rpm still revs for like 3 sec or also when I'm going down a...
  8. K

    how to use automatic 6 speed?

    Hey guys dumb question I know! But I know you put it in M and I know how to up shift it but my question is do you have to down shift it or does it down to 1 by it self , like coming to a stop or slowing down? I just dont want to mess anything up! Thanks guys!