Search results

  1. G

    Springfield Ma

    Anybody else from the Springfield area? I haven't seen many fellow Sonic-ers out there. Drop a hello if you're out there!;)
  2. G

    weird brake pedal

    Has anyone experienced this? Sitting at light, foot on the brake, after a minute or so the pedal will drop just a bit, maybe a inch or so, with sometimes a bit of an engine shutter. It may be my imagination, but it also seems like my brakes feel a little grabby when it happens too. It dosen't...
  3. G

    Ma. Anyone?

    Hey there folks, new to this site and just celebrated me first year with "turbo", my red Sonic hatch and couldn't be happier. Was hopping there were others in Ma. to chat with and maybe attend meets and drives. I'm in Springfield, don't hesitate to say hello! G
  4. G

    Hello fellow Sonics!

    Newbie here. Hope you all are well. Ive been visiting this forum off and on for a while now and thought I'd join up. Hoping to find some other Ma. members. I'll check the regional section as well. Chat soon, G:D