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  1. MustangKillr

    Leaking coolant??

    Hey all, I haven’t posted much on here since getting my car because it hasn’t given me any issues in the nearly 7 years I’ve owned it. However, I noticed my temp gauge going off one day which I though was unusual. I checked my coolant level and noticed it was nearly empty. I filled it up, and...
  2. MustangKillr

    Terrible repair job by the dealership...

    Alright, so yet again my Sonic has been the victim of another car hitting it. This time someone backed into me at a stop sign (I still never understood why he decided to back up). No major damage, just punched a hole through my grill with his trailer hitch. Sounds like a simple insurance...
  3. MustangKillr

    Leather wearing?

    Hey all, been busy the past few months so I haven't gotten a chance to get on here very much. I'm still loving my RS, but my driver seat is starting to show some (to me, serious) wear on the left bolster on the bottom cushion. This is my first car I've owned with leather interior, so I'm not...
  4. MustangKillr

    Two small problems with my RS

    Hi everyone, I have a little over 500 miles on my Sonic and it already has two issues and since I'm new to owning a new car I was curious as to if any of you were familiar with these issues or if they're covered under warranty. First, I just noticed today that there is a small white rub mark on...
  5. MustangKillr

    My new 2013 Sonic RS!

    For those of you that don't know I've been anxiously awaiting my Sonic since I ordered it on August 31st. Since then, I, along with many others, have faced setbacks. My car was scheduled to be produced in mid October, but as the date approached I was informed that it was now going to be the...
  6. MustangKillr

    My Sonic Diary

    Hi everyone, I'm soon to be the owner of a new Chevrolet Sonic so I figured since this is my first new car I would document every step of the process to keep for records sake. Hopefully you guys enjoy following along with my Sonic as it goes from concept to creation. I will post updates when I...