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  1. S

    People Are Jerks (Body Shop Selection/Help Needed)

    So my car got run into a parking lot while I was taking my mom out to dinner on her birthday. Jerk hits it and leaves without a note because people in general seem to have lost a sense of decency. And its not like I was parked poorly. Its a tiny car that was ideally placed in the dead center...
  2. S

    Universal Aftermarket mudflaps (Front)

    So I bought a set of mudflaps on amazon. Powerflow 6401 Pro-Fit Splash Guards-Car. 1 pair: Automotive Knew that I'd need to do some work to fit them, but overall it wasn't too bad. I was able to use the two screws already in the fender and avoid drilling into the car, which is...
  3. S

    Drove my Sonic Home Today

    So thanks to everyones advice, I decided on purchasing the Chevy Sonic. Unfortunately, someone bought the one I had my eye on which led me to go elsewhere. Didn't quite get the same overall price due to a much higher dealer fee, but I'm excited and happy. Also a bit nervous as this is my first...
  4. S

    Found GM Sticker That Looks a Bit Off.

    If this is somehow real, I want to test drive it. Just a bit expensive though. I'm guessing the system is screwed up since Greenwood Chevy's website in Fort Meade, FL shows the price as $19,060 with standard equipment.
  5. S

    Hopeful Future Sonic Owner

    So I've been lurking for a couple days while I do research and figured I should register and say hello. Looking to buy a Hatch 2LT in about 3 weeks once all sorts of payments go through. Finish off my credit cards, pay my first semester of grad school tuition, and receive two more paychecks...