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  1. B

    Youtube Channel

    It's been a while but I'm still around. I still have my Sonic RS but I sold my Cobalt ss\sc for a Can am Spyder RS. It's fun as hell to ride honestly. I motovlog with it now and I also started vlogging and doing videos with the sonic as well. If anyones interested checking it out heres the...
  2. B

    Finally bought a Sonic

    I've been stalking these cars for years. I was originally on this board before the car came out. stuff happens and i didn't end up getting one. until now. i got my 2016 Sonic RS. along side my 05 cobalt ss\sc. it's a fun little car and i'm glad i finally pulled the trigger on one. I'll...
  3. B

    what size turbo

    anyone know what turbo they are using on the sonic, i know it's now part of the exhaust manifold. the cobalts ss use's k04 turbos. so maybe a k03? i just can't find any info on it.