So this starts as me trying to catch up to a guy I know. He passed and I was only trying to catch up. Once I caught up we yelled back and forth discussing where to meet up. After figuring out a location he tried to speed off. His 1993 Honda delsol si is in great shape but no shape to even mess with my 1.4t. He dropped gear and I heard wot so I decided to flex a little muscle. I went down to 2nd at about 25 the lead into it just a smidge. Shifting around 5k I let into third a little more. By this time I'm door to door. So I decide to let it have it. I walked my dog all I've home till almost 70. I would estimate prolly 5 cars on him. After reuniting and rubbing it in just a little he admitted to me just walking away no problem. I on the other hand never let it over 5k. Lol I love low end tourqe.