1st to 2nd shift in the RS is tricky. If you mess up, you will grind gears, miss gear, or spin tires and trigger traction control. I actually enjoy the short gear of the RS as I think it "feels" to jump of the line easy.
But in order to achieve a good 0-60 time, you need to achieve a good launch. Too much wheel spin, lost time and likely chance of messing up the 1-2 shift which is tricky. Too little throttle and you end up bogging the car and losing time. A good launch with the RS I have found is to hover the rpm at around 2500 or so. Make sure the traction control is as disabled as possible. Don't just dump the clutch, the sonic will not launch effectively that way. You are probably going to have to ride the clutch a tad to get a successful launch. Drop it too much and the nannies kick in.
Once launched, the 1st gear runs out fast. You know you have a good launch when the car smoothly pulls through 1st. Shift a little before the redline in first, around 6k. I think the computer kicks in and cuts off fuel around there. (someone correct me if I am wrong.) DO NOT SLAM IT INTO 2ND. You have to learn the shift and how to time it. The 1st to 2nd is the most tricky as it is very finicky. I find shifting early at 6k and slowing the shift down a tad works wonders. This is usually around 20 or so mph. 2nd will run up to mid 40's I believe. 3rd will get you to 60, and 4th will.. well, run out of steam. It's a stock sonic....
Anyways, remember shifting at redline on this car stock isn't very effective. It has a very noticeable loss of power after 6k. It feels like the car is just "floating" Believe it or not, I've been able to out dig several people in the sonic. Properly launched, this car digs hard. Usually I get run down though in 3rd or 4th... A tune or so will fix that.
Someone chime in if I am misinformed or not. These are just personal observations. I find you must learn this car and it's quirks in order to achieve perfection. I'd go out to some country road and practice a bit. You won't ruin the tires, this car isn't good at burnouts.