I just replaced my 1.8L sonic shift knob assembly with the manual shift option, way I did it was take precision hook tools and lightly pry off the shift cover plate and take a hair dryer and heat up the shiny plastic base bezel, take a drill and make precision hole Mark's and heat up again the chrome bezel good then pry at the holes carefully and once you get enough of the chrome bezel off pull up on the remaining pieces, the manual shift button connection is a 2 pin white connector under the shifter base, push on the tab and light pull up, then I heated up the fake leather and split the backside and peeled away. Heat up the plastic real frame and split frame base and pry lightly at the spilt edges and peel away. Now as your heating up the shifter assembly pull up as twisting (press fitted in). Precise force is needed to pull up and keeping the shifter rod still, the whole assembly will come up. Take new shifter assembly and gently bring 2 wire connector forward as you push the shifter down on the shift rod. Be careful as the engagement button connects to a plastic assembly on the shift rod. You'll feel a light click connection and your good to go just reconnect the manual shift 2 pin connection into base.