I actually took out that same vent yesterday and there is room behind it if you were to install this vent pod. Then you can run the tubing down behind the fuse box and through the firewall no problem. Plus, having the gauge there keeps the wiring close to the dimmer
My vent pods are hardly "popping right out". Is there any trick?
Edit: the trick is to take out the directional vent before the vent body itself. Don't take it out as one unit. Next question: How to secure it?
The gauge vent pod doesn't fit into the original vent housing, and doesn't fit snugly without. The silver bezel fits nicely around the gauge adapter, but I see no immediate way to mount it securely.
Edit 2: Ok, so the gauge pod *does* fit inside the vent housing, but it requires "breaking" the vent housing. I split one of the seams along the edge of the housing and the vent pod fits perfect. I sent the illumination wires and vac tube out through the honeycomb thing in the back of the housing. If you position it right, the gauge pod tilts right, towards you, and fits through the honeycomb mesh pretty nicely. As for the split in the side, when you put the silver trim around the front, it keeps it together. There's a bit of force involved putting it back together, but it works and it looks great in the vent.
Next question: Where do I grab illumination from? I want to have the gauge dim with the lights, but I can't seem to find a pinout schematic for the dimmer switch to tell me where I need to grab power from. I may just have to fusetap.