Sonic Boom
New member
Currently stationed in Virgina Beach area if anyone is close by and wants to go out for a drive
I actually meant to say West...
I'm in Powhatan, where are you at?
Chesterfield County, just west of the Reservoir, off Otterdale Rd. I take Rt 288 to/from work in Ashland.
Wow! I think I saw you on Saturday! I passed an orange hatchback, didn't even think to come and see if it was anyone from here. I pointed at you, not sure if you saw (that is, assuming it was you). Fairly certain you were turning right onto 60 from Koger. If that was you, I was the fool in the black sedan making a U-turn!
Have you been through the Village Wash yet? I was a bit skeptical to go through with a brand new car, but I bit the bullet and did it. Very impressive wash for such a small price...
Currently stationed in Virgina Beach area if anyone is close by and wants to go out for a drive
Anyone Burke/Washington DC area? I've seen a few black hatchbacks around
Fredericksburg VA, only me and one other hatch down here. Mines red and hers is white lol
I'm in the NOVA region and work at the dealership in manassas
I have a black hatchback too
man asses. Pronounce it like everyone else does.