New member
So that my dogs don't scratch up the paint when jumping and and out.
I have several sword scratches in that same area.
You tore up brochures?
Looks at user name, looks at reply, looks at user name. Wonders if there is a big market for swords.
Looks interesting! I like!
You should post a finished pic up as well (sans brochure limbs).
I will. I just finished coat number 6. debating if I need 7
Nice! Did you buy the plastidip before the car
Curious to see how it turns out. I haven't figured out plasti-derp and the edges tore like poo :/
Nice! Did you buy the plastidip before the car
Curious to see how it turns out. I haven't figured out plasti-derp and the edges tore like poo :/