I did this early on, Pep Boys had plugs that fit perfectly and matched the black of the gromet thing the knob used to come thru. I only did the driver's side. Did the job for multiple reasons:
1) don't want to accidentally lock the keys in the car. I know, you can also set this in the software, and I have... but since that's the case, the knob is useless
2) knob digs into my elbow when I
A) pay tolls (yep, I'm one of the Easypass holdouts)
B) get fast food
C) feel like driving around with the window down and my arm on the windowsill
3) the weight savings. I mean, that thing must weigh a tenth of an ounce.
I took the door apart and cut the whole rod out, to make sure it wouldn't get hung up on anything deep inside there and make the door impossible to lock, or worse, to unlock.