1.8L 6-auto LT hatchback here. So far, I'm only averaging 30mpg at the 2600 mile mark. About 2/3rds highway and 1/3rd local.
This past weekend, I took a 6 hour (each way) trip. Averaged 30mpg each way. The way out was 4 1/2 hours highway, 1 1/2 hours of 2 lane roads in the country (with occasional towns with stop lights or stop signs); the way back was more evenly split. Bear in mind however that this was while there was 600 pounds of people (including me, the driver) plus a couple hundred pounds of stuff in the car, and that we had to go up and down a lot of steep hills in the Finger Lakes NY region and through the Berkshires of MA or the Green Mountains of VT or Monadnocks of NH.
Could wish for better, but it is what it is.