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  1. SixTwelve612

    Saying goodbye to my 2014 hatchback.

    After one year of proud ownership, I bid adieu to my Little Red Gem. Soon after purchasing, she and I embarked on the rideshare adventure, and she performed beautifully. She fit in the smallest of spaces while (somehow) managing to take up to four passengers plus myself, or plenty of luggage on...
  2. SixTwelve612

    The Dash Tray

    Yeah, I'll try that 🤣
  3. SixTwelve612

    The Dash Tray

    Not sure what to use the "dash tray" for in my new old 2014 LT. So it holds my mask. Anybody wanna share their uses for this little crater? EDIT: ... aaaaand I just found an old thread ( ).
  4. SixTwelve612

    Maybe I'm Just Too Big

    LOL, right? This car will force me to thin down a bit. Heading to wally-world to see what I can put together from there for well-behaved padding.
  5. SixTwelve612

    Maybe I'm Just Too Big

    The pillow. I think that's the way to go. Thanks @Ricekila!!
  6. SixTwelve612

    Maybe I'm Just Too Big

    This is an "Interior" topic, rather than an ICE one. My "new to me" 2014 LT hatchback is perfect in every way .. except one. I can't find any place to put my left leg when driving. The driver's door pocket sort-of bulges out to (I guess) hold large items, but it digs into my rather ample calf...
  7. SixTwelve612

    NEW MEMBERS Please Spam Your Ten Posts here.

    Bwowm wowm, neer nee nee neeeee nrowr...
  8. SixTwelve612

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    Chuh chuh bwow bwow, chuh chuh bwow bwow
  9. SixTwelve612

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    Where my white-haired uncle waits
  10. SixTwelve612

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    To far outside the wire
  11. SixTwelve612

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    And hop the turbine freight
  12. SixTwelve612

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    And on Sundays I elude the eyes
  13. SixTwelve612

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    Before the "Motor Law"
  14. SixTwelve612

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    He says it used to be a farm
  15. SixTwelve612

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    No one knows about
  16. SixTwelve612

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    My uncle has a country place