I coasted to the side of the road and let the car sit for a few minutes and then went to start it again it cranked but didn't turn over. I have a code reader in the car, and it Read P0068. Throttle, MAP/MAF sensor. I had the car towed to Starling Chevy in St Cloud Florida and told the service advisor that the car just died and I read the code P0068. Well I just got a call from the service advisor and he said the mechanic said that the car needs an engine because it had no compression. I said all the cylinders have no compression??? He said that a new motor and the installation would be $15,00.00!!!! The car has a used motor in it and it had 58,000 when it was put in. We also put a new timing belt in and a new water pump. I told the service advisor I would speak with the mechanic tomorrow when I get back to my home.
How is this diagnosis possible??? There was no leaks, no noise or anything unusual from the engine when it just stopped running. I ordered a new throttle with sensor, MAP sonsor and MAF sensor. I will charge the battery also before I change everything.
Any Thoughts and fixes on this????
How is this diagnosis possible??? There was no leaks, no noise or anything unusual from the engine when it just stopped running. I ordered a new throttle with sensor, MAP sonsor and MAF sensor. I will charge the battery also before I change everything.
Any Thoughts and fixes on this????