Yesterday I was driving in a downpour and hit a few deep puddles. After 1 of them the a/c quit working. Feels like the a/c compressor isn't turning on.
When I drove back home, it was odd that when I pulled into my garage the radiator fan was running full blast. Didn't have the a/c on then (or defrost which turns it on). It never runs like that when I get home and park the car. Makes me think the ECU was in limp mode or something but there's no check engine light coming on. No overheating light, and the coolant is at the right level.
Did some research and it looks like this could be the thermostat? Or the outside air temp sensor which is up in the front clip and maybe got swamped by the water? My mpg has been down slightly lately so it might be more likely to be the thermostat? Anyways I'm thinking the fan being on like that indicates its not really something wrong with the a/c itself, but something else and its keeping it from turning on?
When I drove back home, it was odd that when I pulled into my garage the radiator fan was running full blast. Didn't have the a/c on then (or defrost which turns it on). It never runs like that when I get home and park the car. Makes me think the ECU was in limp mode or something but there's no check engine light coming on. No overheating light, and the coolant is at the right level.
Did some research and it looks like this could be the thermostat? Or the outside air temp sensor which is up in the front clip and maybe got swamped by the water? My mpg has been down slightly lately so it might be more likely to be the thermostat? Anyways I'm thinking the fan being on like that indicates its not really something wrong with the a/c itself, but something else and its keeping it from turning on?