You know, I love em, switched to my snow tires in October, so got 1/2 of spring, summer and fall out of em. Driven under all conditions except snow. Exceptional in the wet, hot dry roads during summer you really get the nice sticky feeling from em, turns the car into a real handler in the twists. I’d estimate I’ve used em for 18k (Kms) and either they are wearing perfectly even, or there’s hardly any wear on em. Can still read the S in the tread block, and it’s still inset a few mm. So hardly lost anything off em. Usually it’s the letter S that wears out first, then the W, and then it’s a slick if the D wears out. The DWS is a great tire wear indicator system I’d say. D=Dry,W=Wet, S=Snow. If any of those letters, which are located on the contact tread wears out, then the tire is no longer good for that condition. I’d say they were an investment that I don’t, and won’t regret until I have to shell out for a new set, at this pace, quite a few years

also when I run em, I was running at 45 psi, vs the door plate pressure stating 40 psi. Was a bit better on gas that way.
only downside is if you got 15s you’ll not have any luck finding the right size, all the places I went to started their offerings on a 16” wheel, so had to get a set of the vision banes, or any 16” wheel to be able to use em. Seems like 15” wheels are one of them bastard wheel sizes, where none of the good sport tires will fit em, econobox tire selections were a couple, but didn’t wanna put the stock tires back on.
