Has anyone actually ever crashed and killed anyone? I mean if it truely is dangerous there has to be a lot of fatal accidents associated with people using the HID kits right?
I have long been convinced that one of the probable precipitants to many of the automobile world accidents is exactly the situation many of us posting in this thread are concerned about. No proof only conjecture. I have had too many close calls to be convinced otherwise. I as well as any others so concerned could give up driving at night so those people who have decided they have no obligation to consider how their actions affect others might freak freely as they express their belief that "it is my car and I can mod it as I desire."
The person using improperly installed HID lights will be far down the road when the inevitable result of their refusal to practice fore thought reaches its fatal conclusion. I guess it comes to this: if you do not know that you must be ok. The thing is, you can do what you want and not endanger others for a small amount of dollars more than doing it wrong.
But we are Americans and heaven forbid anyone accusing us of expecting any of us to be concerned how our actions may affect our fellow Americans.
And I do see a difference between using an after market exhaust that does not break legal decible limits and using an inexpensive head lamp lighting device that does break legal head lamp laws.
And it is possible for a deaf person to obtain a valid drivers license. Not so for a legally blind person unless that person is legally blind in one eye but has correctable to 20/40 and sufficient peripheral vision in the other eye.