Now you just have to dip those wheels.
My brother just told me to tint the windows. Does it really keep it cooler.prolly would look good on a red car too. This looks nice. i'd do it myslef but it would end up looking horendous I'm sure. Time to shop around.
i should have been more specific... lol
but what was the unwanted attention im curious
i redid mine yesterday, i angled my line out more to follow the angle of the top grill trim, and surpringly came out very nicely as it lined up great with that lil curve at the bottom of the bumper, ill post pix when my phone gets back from insurance, but heads up when doing the big swatches like this, make sure you pay very close attention to the hard lines and make sure you get them nice and solid, and lifting at all will kill the whole piece at a car wash
It's a stretch but I see the resemblance.
-Eric Smit
I think if you went a bit more on an angle to where the bottom of the bumper has a curve to it starting from the top grill, it will resemble a bit more like the EVO.
I would try and photo shop it for you so you get the idea but i dont know how to. lol
Sorry it took so long, i only got this one for now, ill take a better front shot
NICE your car looks awesome!
*fixed typo. stupid auto correct.
Are those eyebrows?
-Eric Smit