This reminds me, I need to contact the board of elections again because the nearest voting place is literally only about a half mile away from me, but the card they sent me says I have to drive 10-15 miles away from civilization into a sparsely populated swamp that I lived in for a year and absolutely HATED it... I could literally walk to the nearest one but they want me to take a half hour round-trip drive. =/
Also, I would like to state that there's more than just the red team and the blue team when it comes to politics. I wish more people would realise that and maybe the not-as-popular candidates would be looked at more seriously. In all honesty, while Republicans and Democrats are supposedly polar opposites when it comes to running the country, the truth of the matter is that important issues are going to be unsolved either way, most importantly the fact that this country is over 16 trillion dollars in debt and counting, yet neither side of the major political parties has a solution. Even if you don't vote for them, find out who the candidates are that ARE NOT being backed by millions, possibly billions of campaign dollars (that, in all honesty, could be put toward paying off our massive federal debt every four years) and find out their stance on the issues this country is facing today, and vote for whoever you think is the best for you, your neighbors, and this country.
I'm not trying to endorse anyone in particular... *coughRONPAULcough*
... and I know I'm not voting for either Romney or Obama, and who I'm voting for is most likely not going to win, but I believe if more people start looking at the alternatives, maybe we'll start seeing some more excellent contenders with differing views and stances, and maybe one day we'll find just what this country needs to stand back up as strong as ever once again.
'MERICA! :banana: