New member
I think the taxes should be the same all across no matter what you make, don't penalize the people who made smart moves in there lives and played there cards right ! The taxes in my opinion should be the same whether you make 10,000 a year or 10 million a year, either way the rich is paying more but don't hike up there percentage, everyone talks about how much Romney made last year but forget to mention that he also donated 5 million that's a great donation if you ask me and its 25 percent of what he made, also guys like Steve Wynn who donates 120 percent of his salary every year for the last several years
because I pay almost 10,000 in taxes a years witch is alot of money for me to pay the guy down the street eho makes over a million in a year should only have to pay 10,000 too how would that be fare and most of the rich people are responsiable for this countries debt classic example Ira Renhart founder of renco self made billioneer owns the company I work for filed bankruptcy on it years ago screwed mutiaple investors out of millions witch probably caused them to file bankruptcy and goes down the line but the Iras comes back and buys the compay for like 4 million and now its all his profit with no one to share it except the 10 percent we get so is that the playing your cards rite your talking about