Help! Have a 2015 With @ 66000 miles.... just recently started idling rough when I am parked or at a stop light.... like it sputters. Also started when trying to accelerate quickly from slow or stop. Step one was adding Seafoam to my fuel and that didn’t do anything. I’ve seen posts regarding this but as a new member I’m having trouble finding it again. Next step for anyone who has or has had this issue???? Should I do the spark plugs next?
Replaced all plugs. seems to be running better. Haven't had a CEL come on since, but still getting a rough idle and minor hesitation when trying to gently accelerate in 6th gear on the freeway.
They all laughed at me when I pulled into the work parking lot in a Sonic. You don't appreciate it until you take it around a corner at a "safe" speed.