Official: What are your real world MPG Numbers

sx sonic

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I know at 55 or less I would get better mileage, I just can't do it. for my 140 mile round trip it only adds 24 minutes a day. in the morning I can adjust the time with food( I eat when I get to work instead of before) so the ride home adds only 12 minutes and I've not been able to utilize those minutes to my advantage or anything else for that matter. I figure all told I am olnly saving 500.00 a year in fuel, but.... 500.00 is 500.00

What is your time worth, Joe? A basic comparison is to look at your hourly rate. 12 minutes a day for 261 days a year is 52.2 hours. If you make less than $9.57/hr you are definitely saving money. On the flip-side if you make more, and have the option to work those extra 12 minutes, then you can make up the fuel cost that way plus have increased productivity.

I want to report, btw, that at 4700 miles (I am driving the Sonic sometimes now) I got 42.2 mpg on a 77 mile trip from Morgantown, WV to a place in Pittsburgh, PA with 3 people in the car. I noticed on the last tank the mileage starting to get over 33 mpg on mostly highway trips. I was not too happy with the MPG before then, but people do say you have to let the car get a few thousand on it before the mileage picks up.

BTW my trip was mostly 70 mph with a max of 76.


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