Yeah, I can't speak to the gearing in the automatics, but the gearing in the manual is ridiculously short, the highway fuel economy is obnoxiously bad as a result. 5th gear on my Sonic is great for cruising around at 50KMH... Less so at twice that.I drive 32 miles one way to work. 2 miles on regular streets and 30 on freeways during Houston rush hour. I'm working on my second Sonic. The first was a 2013 1.4 AT HB that gave me 33.6 mpg or about 370 miles between fill ups. My current car is a 2018 1.4 AT HB that has been giving me 30.4 or 335 miles between fill ups. I've looked at all the specs and gearing and even shipping weight there really isn't a difference. (The 2018 is 29 pounds heavier) The tires are even the same size and brand. I do have 20,000 miles on the 2018 so I'm way beyond break in. Both cars freeway sweet spot is between 70-75 for best numbers. 80 and above numbers drop quickly. Speed limit between Houston and Dallas is 75, but you typically find yourself running faster just to keep up with traffic. All numbers were figured the old fashion way. BTW I have used a 2018 Cruze 1.4 AT HB and a 2018 1.4 AT Trax on the run to Dallas. The Cruze got 40.8 mpg and the Trax got 27.4. Granted the gearing in both of those are very different from the Sonic. I guess what I'm trying to say is every car is different, even with the same driver.
Some of this will be obvious, so I apologize if I come across as condescending:I bought my Sonic right after Christmas 2018 the first day the dealer opened. I drive 43 miles highway to work each way, so 86 round trip minimum. I was looking for good mpg when I purchased, but I’m starting to have regrets. I accelerate slowly to speeds between 55mph-70mph and my average mpg so far with 3900 miles is 27.6 based off what the computer says. The sticker claims 33mpg highway. Does anyone have suggestions? I can’t even get 300 miles on a tank of 87 octane. The most I have gotten is 265 miles when the low fuel light comes on with 30 miles left til empty. At that figure with my calculations of 10.55 gal fill up it’s only 25.11 mpg.
I bought my Sonic right after Christmas 2018 the first day the dealer opened. I drive 43 miles highway to work each way, so 86 round trip minimum. I was looking for good mpg when I purchased, but I’m starting to have regrets. I accelerate slowly to speeds between 55mph-70mph and my average mpg so far with 3900 miles is 27.6 based off what the computer says. The sticker claims 33mpg highway. Does anyone have suggestions? I can’t even get 300 miles on a tank of 87 octane. The most I have gotten is 265 miles when the low fuel light comes on with 30 miles left til empty. At that figure with my calculations of 10.55 gal fill up it’s only 25.11 mpg.
2013 average is 34mpg 75% highway. I have a best of 38mpg on one trip.
When I replaced my factory installed tires, I went with the Bridgestone Turanza Serenity Plus tires.I'm from Mass too, with a 2013. So I have so many variations of MPG ratings it's crazy
Most roads I drive on suck around here. :blankface: Either tons of pot holes, windy as hell, All uphill, All downhill while a few are nice and flat.
I drive my 1.4L Turbo Hatch like it's a go-cart, it's so wicked fun to drive. Almost always 10+ mph over the speed limit, unless in neighborhoods. Still on the original tires too, with some nice dry rot showing now(Changing them next week).
I get as low as 20 mpg average if I stick to the city driving for a while, but get as high as 40+ driving downhill to a town about 20 miles away, or if I drive on a nice long, flat highway, like some parts of 495.
I bet we take a good 20% hit just because of our roads. But even with these crappy roads, and if I drove like a sane human, I'd get close to the 27 city, 37 Highway they said we'd get.
I imagine if I lived somewhere where the roads were long and flat, like between Vegas and Phoenix, I'd get really great mileage in this thing.
But it DOES suck in the snow having these original Hankook tires that seem like summer-only tires. I'm going to get some A/S's, but have a feeling I am going to be taking another ding on the MPG's.
I REALLY love my Sonic. I swear they took a mold of my butt and made these seats. It's just so comfortable and fun to drive. And I've been happy with the MPG's, but I HATE Chevy's JUNK MAIL. 8 years, and they won't stop no matter how much I ask. Which is ticking me off and has me thinking about getting a New Honda CR-V Hybrid.Families been having some great luck with Honda's (Pilot and 2 CR-V's), so I'm thinking of making the switch myself.