My 2015 6MT, is not always smooth going into/coming out of 1st and 2nd. It periodically feels like it is rubbing on something. You can almost hear a quiet popping noise. Anybody else have this issue?
Actually, yes, I have had something like this. 1st and 2nd gear have a small rough patch near where the reverse slot starts. Thus far I have chalked it up to that slot, which I assume the shifter is catching on slightly despite the pull-up protective dohickey on the shifter shaft.
I don't think it's a problem. Its been that way from the dealer for me.
Is it just a slight catch during shifts, or is it something more?
Sorry If I'm late to the party, but this issue where it feels like it catches say, if you put it in first it will go in with force, but if you take it out then put it back in will it go in smoothly?