Okay so I have a 2015 1.8 chevy sonic. I just replaced the head gasket. Put it all back together and it was running ruff at idle and it had a p0171 code so I ended up replacing the pcv thinking maybe the milky oil or something messed it up. Ended up doing nothing so I decided to just unplug the battery let it reset or what ever then take it for a drive to see if it would clear it self up. Ended up throwing the p0171, p0496. So I was like maybe it's the evap canister so tested that by blowing through it and clicking it open with a battery and it all worked fine. So I drove it around a bit more and put it under some harder acceleration and all the sudden it blew tons of blue/white smoke that definitely was oil. And now its throwing p0131, p0137, and p0171. (Both o2 sensors and running lean). No idea what could be causing this my thoughts are something with the pcv but not sure what. Fuel trims are like off 40 percent each at idle