Thanks, Found the thread.
I also found a thread on HPtuners that indicates the intake cam is advanced and the exhaust cam is retarded during low load cruising to lower dynamic compression for better gas mileage. This leads me to believe that higher numbers are advance and lower numbers are retard.
From HPtuners forum (taken from somewhere else):
Guide for VVT Tuning:
Advance intake and exhaust => more low-RPM power, less high-RPM power
Retard intake and exhaust => more high-RPM power, less low-RPM power
Less overlap => lower EGTs, faster turbo spool, less fuel
More overlap => higher EGTs, slower turbo spool, more fuel
MPFabs thread summary: (hope he doesn't mind me sharing his results here)
Was attempting to adjust the cam to combat compressor surge with a larger turbo so these may not be applicable.
Found loss of power retarding exhaust cam
Seemed to run better with the intake cam retarded a "good bit" over stock above 4000 rpm
Advanced the exhaust cam above 6000k
Currently running with stock exhaust cam and intake cam retarded... will update if I get something groundbreaking but right now doesn't seem like a huge difference.