After you try, check to see if you still have your air dam, which is used to help maintain stability when driving on an open highway and may also help keep the engine bay cool. If you do not or have loosened it enough that it needs to be removed, then once it is removed you may have good access.
Many decades ago with no forethought I decided to drive my Sonett in areas I often drove my Jeep. The Sonett handled the terrain well with only one problem: I pancaked the exhaust system to the point it could not be repaired. I did not knock it off, indeed it was securely attached. I did flatten it and pushed it against the body pan, requiring using a broom handle and a crow bar to get it away from the body pan (talk about vibration removing tooth fillings) so I could go to a dealer and get a new exhaust installed.
My point: you have the air dam and the exhaust to consider as you go hill climbing. I suspect both will be unusable if you try, but as Dlowwoc said, there is only one way to know for sure.
Please post the results.