I installed it yesterday but I didnt have any time to do a write up because i went to the auto show.. Anyway, install was very straightforward. It didnt take me much time at all except i ended up dropping a wrench down the engine bay :blankface: I spent most of my time undoing the catch pan on the bottom and trying to reach under the car to get it out. After I did i took the new intake for a test drive.
Impressions: Under normal/light throttle the intake sounds exactly like the stock airbox. This is a plus if you dont want the loud engine noise all the time. However, if you begin to stand on the throttle the engine roars to life.. The growl is amazing i personally think it sounds best between 4,300 to about 5,300 any higher towards the revlimiter and the engine just doesnt sound happy. All in all im pleased with the buy and glad Bogus was willing to sell it. Thanks for the help!
No airbox
Intake installed: