I know thank you for the update. My dads been a detective for 10 years. I know the law. Its not wrong its illegal. Depends on your definition. Its "wrong" for you to put an exhaust on your car too. Modifying the exhaust in anyway is illegal. But look at all the people on here who have exhausts.
Opinions are opinions. Im leaving it alone. Its your car do what you want to do.
Thats fine,
My dad was a carpenter for 37 years but I gotta tell you, I can't build anything out of wood worth a crap.
And it is illegal to modify the exhaust if it make it louder. Just looked it up to make sure my post was correct.
I probably wouldnt either. But i am very interested in criminal justice and have done many many ride alongs. So i know a decent amount. Im no judge though.
I have a lot of respect for that. I've wanted to learn more about it but can't really get focused enough to do so.
depends on the state you're in, and usually there is a decibel limit, not just "any louder."
Which would include the cats no? And its illegal to have blue lights on the outside of the car. So technically anythin above what 6000k is illegal.
does my exhaust blind you?
Everyone needs to see in order to drive. You take a vision test at the DMV to get and keep a license. There are no regulations about hearing that I know of. I don't quite understand the relevance to a topic on HIDs.
The blinding effect given from a PnP HID kit does drastically affect your eyes compared to standard halogen or projector headlights. :blankface:
Weather or not you choose to care about the other drivers vision who are hurling a 3000 lb metal sled within feet from you is you own personal choice.
but not dangerous. you're intentionally missing the point.
Has anyone actually ever crashed and killed anyone? I mean if it truely is dangerous there has to be a lot of fatal accidents associated with people using the HID kits right?