Did the wing this morning. Several notes:
One, I started in quiet weather but by the time I was all taped up there was a good breeze. I went ahead anyway, and I regret it, half the paint was wasted, it was hard to get spray to the target. Also, I'll eventually end up peeling it off and replacing it, because it got runny in spots due to me working too close or wind fading and letting full spray hit the target.
Two: Plastidip would prefer to go on a vertical surface rather than a flat one. Doing the wing next time I will work it so I can spray with the hatch up instead of closed.
Three: I didn't get a good coat on the underside, because the wind pressure in there got really funny. Not sure if this was all due to the breeze, spray paint might not cooperate in that area in the best of circumstances. I will experiment more later, but may end up leaving underside of wing red, I almost did that anyway for the look.