I was hoping for better, but too many things were working against me to make it happen. Next year I will be looking to change the engine and trans mounts, hope that lower control arm bushings are available, possible get rid of this turd 5 speed (1-2 and 2-3 shifts show that there is a severe issue within the trans, probably the fork tips), and maybe look into some tires.
the few times that I tried to launch the car resulted in wheel hop. I had to bring it to just off idle and roll into it very slowly to prevent the hop. The shift grind was very irritating and troublesome. A few times I could not shift into second and a few times I could not get into third. No grind, just could not get the shifter to go into gear.
Overall, I had a decent trip there. Learned some new things about my car and started to prioritize what needs replaced to increase the chances of things not failing.