So I took some work in the city, 70 miles North of where I live, most of the drive is 4 lane highway thru residential and commercial areas, lots of lights. So lots of on and off the throttle and shifting, and during rush hour lots of break neck acceleration to keep up with the average throttle jockey.
I'd been running the stock BPV lines for awhile and noticed that often while driving in these conditions that throttle tip in behavior just felt funky. During shifts and sometimes taking off it felt weird and my throttle control seemed off.
I attributed it to my work boots making me ham fisted with the throttle and clutch. BUT after bypassing the BPV solenoid everything seemed more natural and I felt like power delivery was acting more as expected/naturally.
I believe I didn't notice as much of a change with the bypass mod before because my drive cycle was more linear, I was either on or off the throttle and my shifts longer. Now with the hustle and bustle of actual city traffic driving the BPV solenoid is more active and noticeable.