I live (and have car registered in) in PA but got my car tinted in TX shortly after purchasing it. I've been driving tinted since around April 2013, mostly in PA, 80,000 miles worth, and have not gotten a ticket. I have been ticketed for lapsed registration (oops), my GF was in a minor fender bender where cops were called (not her fault, so no ticket), I've been pulled over and given a warning for faulty tail light, not one cop even hinted at not liking the tint. I've also passed inspection 3 times, again, no complaints. Oh, and my then fiance's daughter took a driver's license test in the car, no complaint from the examiner.
Now, does that mean I won't be pulled over ten minutes from now, or that you will never be pulled over for tint? Nope.
I can't recall the exact tint levels. I got no tint at all in the front, and I think 30 sides and rear, as I recall, the logic was that if stopped, I could claim that the shop in texas thought when I said 70 I must mean 30, because 70 is hardly anything.
I never have any trouble seeing at night with the tint, by the way. I do find it easier to see in the day, as it cuts the glare down a bit. But I wish it was darker... and I'd really love some tint on the front!