And there it is, my favorite quote and most hilarious fear tactic:
"When asked why consumers would want to leave the two-way cellular link with OnStar open after canceling the service, Denison said that OnStar could still be helpful in sending severe weather alerts or word about mandatory evacuation in case of an emergency."
...uhhh,.. why would you let us spy.. err, stay connected to you?
*gears grinding*... because of ...severe weather alerts and evacuation notices? (wait, f*ck! I shoulda said to stop babies from handling grenades!!)
He did acknowledge that OnStar can indeed track whether or not a person is speeding or wearing a seatbelt. He described those two scenarios as "a data point that we can capture."
I guess what I should really say to get nay-sayers worried is that OnStar has ALL your personal info and VIN number and if they choose, will sell the info to your insurance company.
...if it directly impacts your pocketbook I'm sure I'd hear different noise in this thread.
And the double-speak begins..
At this point, OnStar has not sold any data "nor do we have current plans to do so," he added.
And directly after...
He said the data would be sold on an anonymous basis, such as providing information to a state department of transportation about traffic patterns.
^ That line is kind of funny, seeing as how traffic patterns/flow
is already mapped.
(You know, the "traffic" layer on Google Maps? Lol)
Taken from a GM spokesperson in the 2nd link, just hilarious every time I read about this ****.