This thread hasn't seen any action in a while. Kinda sad. New Sonic owner south of FW.
I'm new here myself. Been in the area a long time and I used to be the President of the ColoradoFans D/FW Chapter back in 2005-2007.
Now I'm a proud Sonic Owner and looking to find other like minded owners in the area. I applied for the facebook page here as well.
I'm ready for a meetup... who's up to hosting one?
Been there, done that before... and I won't mind it.
2's Company...
3's a Crowd...
Let's see who else is still around.
As much as I hate stickers and flair, we would sport stickers on our rear glass sporting the name "" and every now and again, we'd get new members saying they saw our stickers and decided to join up.
Maybe when this Covid-Crap blows over, things will pick up again....