Official: What are your real world MPG Numbers


I usually average 31-33 in the Cobalt depending on how I drive. I live in the boonies now and it's a 6.1 mile drive up and down to get to work. Other than that I spend all my time on the Interstate going 70 (also mostly up and down.) It's at 33.2 mpg right now on this tank. Cobalt's gauge is usually accurate within .5 mpg. I'm starting to reconsider getting anything. I test drove a Sonic 1.4T auto today and it is a very nice car but it isn't any more fun to drive than the Cobalt. I was hoping to be able to average 35-40 mpg with my mostly highway driving. We took a drive through town (couple of lights) and a couple miles on the freeway and got back and it was 32.4 mpg so it could have done better. Plus I wasn't used to it... and it's an auto. :p


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You are basing this off of a test drive and DIC?

A 6 speed will get you 40+ MPG and driving it right. I know if I had the stick I would be pulling north of 43 MPG. With the LTZ and the auto, 35 with 2k miles is good enough. I just couldn't find a stick and didn't want to wait. I think you would find better information browsing fuelly MPG averages then a quick test drive.

When you only get a few miles in the car and nobody has a stick, that's all you can do. ;) I'll have to look for a turbo stick and test drive it and then determine more. I hate automatics becuase I can't feel what the engine is doing. I also should have brought a gauge and looked at g/sec airflow but I didn't think about it.


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