joe truck driver
Honestly I have no idea how you guys do it. I think mountains sometimes help with average mpgs...I know my truck did better in them than I ever get out here on the flat prairies.
I drove my 1.8 all summer - 4 months while the kid was back from university...and as an average, the best I could muster was 6.5l/100 over 10 tanks...which is 43 Imperial mpg...which works out to 36 US mpg...and I was driving like Joe Truck up top. Shifting at 2500 or less, and driving mostly 90 kmh (that's 55 mph to ya'all), taking it nice and easy (turns out it's kind of relaxing going to work slow too, I mean, what's the rush to get there!?). Occasionally up to 100 kmh/60 mph. On that point I'll wholeheartedly agree with JTD that even 10 kmh (5-6 mph) slower makes a difference. I could drive "$5 more" on a tank of gas at 90-100 than if I went 100-110 kmh. Well worth it if you're filling up 3 times per month!
What I don't get is how anyone can get anywhere near 40's, and US mpg to boot, at anything north of 50 mph. At 70!? Not possible. I never did better than a 6.1l/100 (38 US mpg) granny shifting and going slow.:blankface: Oh well, I still like that car for what it is...and it's kinda a hoot to drive even if it's not the RS model I lust after.
first,you have a 1.8, they just don't get what the 1.4 turbo's do.
any cold weather will hurt. my best mileages came in summer, warmer weather definitely improves mileage in these cars.
lots of hills will hurt. I agree, you can't get the mileage I did at 70... I couldn't get it at 65.
I will say it again. " premium doesn't make a difference in these cars for fuel economy".
my shift points were 1500, 1800 max, not 2500
just so you know that fuel mileage was not all I did...I know they will travel faster than 120mph, but not in 6th. and on that run, my shift points were 6200.
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