What is has to do with is economic indicators are now similar to those which led to the 2008 recession. Which, in turn, led to GM and other car makers scrambling to make smaller cars that got better MPG and cost less than an SUV. Based on what I've read and taking into account the political and international conditions. . . things may hit the fan again in negative economic ways in the next 18 to 24 months or sooner. I hope they/I am wrong, but it sure is setting up for a perfect storm again. Last time, many with what appeared to be secure jobs lost them over night.
. . . So, GM is, I believe, making a mistake scuttling the Sonic just when things may be taking a turn. The two things that triggered the 2008 Great Recession and car makers loosing massive sales were high gasoline prices and bank credit drying up . . . not just for car loans, but for businesses to run also.
Car making is a cash flow sensitive business. And if GM has no small cars they are making, it will be a poor time to try and jump back in and start with another product.
If a person really wants so know what this has to do with the Sonic.. . . read all of the Linked and associated articles. . . without skimming . . . to see the economic forces at work. Those forces dictate bank rates, business climate, and how they affect jobs and careers. But most are not paying attention to the gremlins behind the curtain.
And, glad to hear that someone got a good finance position job. However, one example is not representative of what is going on across the board in careers and across the country region to region.
If you have to work at a "menial" job to make a transition, then that's what you do. You work hard, work long and work at it. There's no free ride. A college education guarantees you nothing (I have an MBA, btw). A plumber is just as intelligent and for all the "brains" in school that laughed at the kid going to trade school, when your toilet won't flush, unless you can fix it yourself (I can, as can many of you), that "kid" you called "dumb" in school is laughing all the way to the bank.
Yes, boys and girls, getting your hands dirty can be profitable and rewarding too.