Still love it
My trunk
Hey!!! I basically live out of this trunk
We are here to help..... the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Hey!!! I basically live out of this trunk
I dont need help.. talk to Bogus about his sticker addiction
My trunk
Why is there a cone in your trunk......
Why is there a cone in your trunk......
Whats great about this is, you posted a picture of your car full of crap, Bogus is in bed minding his business asleep, and yet now he is the one that needs help for something.
Yeah bogus is in bed but not sleeping.. he is texting me right now as we chat on SOF
I dont need help.. talk to Bogus about his sticker addiction
Whats great about this is, you posted a picture of your car full of crap, Bogus is in bed minding his business asleep, and yet now he is the one that needs help for something.
We don't wanna know what he's showing you via his ph....
If you were serious Bogus you would've already been out to see Danny.
Stop dragging your feet.
If you were serious Bogus you would've already been out to see Danny.
Stop dragging your feet.
I can't tell if you're being serious or being sarcastic, so I'll answer seriously. We have been working that out.