Fuelly just reported that I reached 41.5 MPG on my last tank of BP 93 w/10% ethanol, about 15% 'city' (for me 'suburban') driving, the rest at 65 mph. I couldn't deliver these numbers without my UltraGauge telling me my instantaneous fuel consumption rate (gallons/hour) to guide my right foot. I also use most of the basic hypermiler techniques, but I've stopped drafting like I used to.
I may start experimenting with a technique that some Saab Turbo drivers once claimed worked well on turbocharged cars; that is, get into the throttle in second, and maybe third gear, to get the car to the top-gear speed quite quickly, then get into steady, light load cruise mode in top gear.
Does anyone have any comments on the theory behind that technique? Has anyone tried it?