Now did they just write it down awaiting the time the system would accept it, or was the order accepted?
If it was accepted they would give you an offcial printout with an order confirmation number.
Some dealers will not give you the print out but all can give you the six character alphanumeric order number once the order is entered. My standard when ordering is the dealer gets a deposit when I get the order number.
An order can be entered anytime IF the computer is allowed to accept it. When the computer was allowed to accept ZL1 orders on a Saturday, four or five hundred orders of the ZL1 suddenly had order numbers. Talk about pent up demand!
But I can not emphasize how important it is to get that order number. Of course that is just the beginning of a e-ticket ride for adults with all the ups and downs that implies.
Enjoy the trip. At the end I know you will agree it was worth it!
And if you follow this or similar threads, do not be surprised if you know more about the retail order process than your dealer. I firmly believe there are not many more than a dozen or two dealers comfortable with it and I would not be surprised to learn there may yet be dealers who have never done a retail sold order.