Hey shaggy, I actually work in a fellow UTC company to Sikorsky, Pratt & Whitney jet engines.
I'm a mechanical engineer, my current job is analyzing and predicting how cracks grow in jet engines components. It's interesting, but can become tedious since I'm chained to my computer most of the time. Don't get to see 'real hardware' like you do much...
As most of you know, cracks in jet engines can have very bad consequences...google "Souix City, Iowa DC-10 GE engine crash", a flaw in the titanium of the fan hub started a crack and bad things happened!
I supervise the crew chiefs who work on A-10 Thunderbolt (aka Warthog) aircraft. I've been maintaining (or supervising those who maintain) military fighter aircraft (F-16's & A-10's) for 19 years.