New member
Hey my car looks this^ good with just a basic car wash or wipe down...I don't need no stinkin' Zaino or expensive cleaners lmao!
If you like how your car looks, then that's great. I'm just reporting my experience. You can't easily tell from the photos, but there are no scratches or swirl marks of any kind visible in the finish after the Zaino treatment. Furthermore, nothing sticks to the paint once the Zaino is on it. Bird droppings, etc. can be flicked right off. Furthermore, in my experience, this level of protection lasts a long time (6 months or more) with Zaino, even with parking the car outside during the day, 5 days a week. Also, I like how you can use the Z-2 on the plastic and other parts without messing them up. When I used to use wax, if I got some on the plastic, it would leave white specks in all the dimples of the plastic surface.