New member
I couuuuuuuuuld be mistaken, but I think she's just referring to getting married? I have to admit, wedding planning has drastically cut down my car's wish list toooh yeah, and the new house doesn't help either...
You were mistaken...
Why????!!! Nooooooo!!!I love my sonic as he sits now. The reason why I have not been modding like crazy anymore. There are two last mods from my original wish list I have not completed. A red BBK and the seibon front splitter.
I am using the rest of this year to fully enjoy my sonic. I have been taking him to local car meets and I might take him to the gm Carlisle show in June. Who knows this may be the last year my sonic and I have together
Nothing is set in stone. Who knows I may keep the sonic for another five years. If I keep him long term I plan to finish my original wish list and more! If I ever stumble into big money I would love to go bigger turbo from bnr and switch him to flexfuel so I can experiment with e85.