The Chevrolet Track My Order is an utter waste of bandwith, an embarrassment, and should be banned. If I have given you the impression that I am unhappy with it, then I have succeeded with you but phone calls and emails to Chevrolet have had no results.
If the dealer substituted a stock order with your order it will not show up on GMConnects, which can only track US Retail Customer orders. There is nothing wrong with that but it means you have to contact your salesperson to get updates, which is what I used to have to do before GMConnects and its predecessor.
Otherwise, you may have transcribed the order number wrong, which is possible because I myself have done it. Check with your salesperson first to find out if the order was originally a stock order and second to make sure you have the correct six place alphanumeric order number.
Sorry for the vent but I truly believe Track My Order is a waste of money, resources and effort.