In that case, my guess is a week before off loaded at the yard, plus a minimum of two days up to a week before it leaves on the truck, so ten days to two weeks.
I thought you might be referring to Chattanooga given the miles but was not sure. So 620+ miles is close enough to be trucked and 653 miles needs to be trained.
I have posted this before from GMConnects, but now might be a good time to repost:
"What do common Railroad terms mean?
Delivered at Interchange
May switch tracks or the like then on to the next stop
After the interchange you may need to call Union Pacific. The railcar may change carriers.
Delivered at Industry
This is the end of the Rail journey. Rail Car is waiting to be unloaded. Then the Car is just waiting on a truck for the last leg.
Hold can be anything, no real way to know why it is on HOLD. If it is a prolonged length of time contact the general manager and ask the reason
Bad Order
There is something wrong with the rail car (not your car)….a mechanical failure or the like.
Only two possible status for CSX ONHOLD OR SHIPPABLE
Constructively placed
Rail car has been put on a side track waiting to hook up to next ride or to another area depending on the situation
Placed at Customer Location
"placed at customer location" is in a position at the terminal to be unloaded. Is waiting to get moved over to the unloading area
The waybill update just means that they have the paper work for the railcar to continue
Diverted in Transit
Change in destination or routing OR instructions- may be a change in destination, route, name of consignee, name of consignor,
party to notify, etc. It is a change in instruction. It doesn’t mean the train itself is diverted. It could be something as simple
as a change made in the paperwork
How do I track my car on a railcar?
The first thing you will need is a railcar number. This can be received from your dealer by asking them to contact the Dealer Business Center and asking for it. You can also call Customer Service and ask an advisor for it. Not in all cases will your dealer provide you with a railcar number nor will the Customer Service Reps. I think a lot has to do with the relationship you develop with them. Once you have a railcar number, most important. Never talk to live personnel at the railroad! Only use automated phone system. If it attempts to transfer you to a live person please hang up. The railcar information we are provided by GM is given as a courtesy and if we call live personnel we will lose our data and ability to track
1. Call the CSX 1-800-235-2352
2. When prompted for location or weight, press "1" on your phone for location.
3. When prompted for the car initials, say ETTX (whatever initials you have) then wait for the next prompt. OR key in 32-81-81-92 (for ETTX)(letter and position on your phone)
4. When prompted for the car number, say 907048 or key in whatever your car number is
5. When prompted for next car say DONE.
6. That's it; enjoy your updated status report.
Union Pacific
1. Call UP at 1 800 877-5123
2. Follow phone prompts for Trace
3. Say the railcar number complete and clearly. Example ETTX123456 all together
4. Listen for your update
These automated systems can be frustrating. Keep in mind they are intended for use by folks that use them daily all day long."